Saturday 21 May 2011


Yayyy!! Students dari UITM Arau telah mengambil bahagian dalam program Keselamatan Sukan dan Rekreasi pada 11 Mei 2011. Diorang ni students yang sedang buat degree dalam Marine Technology , jadi aktiviti air ni ‘no hal’ pada diorang…macam itik dengan air aje. Ada beberapa orang students ni memang dah kenal fasi kami masa program Sea Survival dan Renang di Gunung Keriang dulu…. 

relax di tepi tasik......tak sejuk ke kome..?
relaxing by the lake..aren't you boys feeling cold?

taklimat sebelum aktiviti capsize ...
before the capsize activity.
Pensyarah Kanan, Tuan Haji Idrus telah membawa satu beg rebung untuk kami..! Apa lagi!! Caterer  Pakcik Akmar telah memasak Rebung masak Lomak cili padi….adoii terangkat!! Memang rata2 semua orang tambah nasi dua tiga kali!! Tuan Haji Idrus juga membawa 3 beg anak pokok buluh madu, dan telah ditanam berdekatan tasik kecil di chalet. Terima kasih Tuan Haji..semoga pokok2 ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada peserta2 di CSN

Dalam beratus –ratus students IPTA/IPTS yang kami pernah mengajar sebelum ni, memang diorang ni lah yang paling suka menyanyi…nasib baik suara pun sedap..ada yang boleh masuk AF gitu!! Ada aje yang kat depan , sedang berkarok!!
kami tetap boleh berkarok walaupun sejuk dan  basah......!!!
we can sing no matter how cold or wet we are!!
Ketua Fasi kayak kami, Saiful, telah digigit serangga sehingga mukanya bengkak, jadi Zai telah mengambil alih sebagai lead trainer dan ketua ekspidisi  dengan jayanya! Students ni memang dah biasa dengan air, jadi aktiviti capsize dalam tasik CSN dijalankan dengan cepat  dan senang ….bravo students!!
selepas aktiviti capsize..waiting for friends yang masih dalam tasik.....
after the capsize activity - waiting for friends who are still in the lake
Untuk slot persembahan, students disuruh memilih penyanyi dan lagu untuk dipersembahkan dari kumpulan lain…mestilah diorang pilih lagu yang paling susah untuk dinyanyikan oleh student yang mereka rasa tak pandai menyanyi…kelalakar betul tengok persembahan diorang ni!! Tapi best – semua orang sporting dan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memberi persembahan terbaik!!
kelas emergency procedure pada waktu malam.....actually semua dah mengantok tu....
the class at night..yaawwnn...
Yang best kali ni, Cikgu Zuki dan Encik Tarmizi telah berjaya menangkap 8 ekor ikan tongsan semasa memancing di tasik CSN!! Wow!! Besar2 pulak tu ikannya! Diorang dengan bermurah hati telah menderma ikan itu untuk lunch hari terakhir …fasi telah menyediakan ikan bakar dan Cikgu Ashriah telah memasak gulai tempoyak…memang sedap sangat!!

Seronok dengar diorang cakap tidor kat CSN ni selesa berbanding dengan tidor di camp2 lain di mana mereka  terpaksa tidor dalam hutan….ye ke?? Kat camp lain, diorang selalu di denda dan di tengking . Oh tidak!!! Bukan macam tu kat CSN  - kami nak participants sentiasa happy dan membawa pulang kenangan manis  aje !!

Kepada students, kami harap kelas CPR, Rope Rescue dan lain lain berguna untuk career you all di masa depan di Industri Maritim …dan paling mustahak, jangan lupa apa yang you all telah belajar di sini!! Jumpa lagi..!!!


 Yay!! Students from UITM Arau came to CSN to participate in a Sports and Recreation Safety program.   These students were exposed to adventurous activities, as all of them are doing their degree in Marine technology and so they are like fish to water…! Some of these students had undergone a Sea Survival and Swimming program at Gunung Keriang , and they already knew some of the staff of ASAS.

Senior lecturer, Tuan Haji Idrus was kind enough to bring a bag of bamboo shoots which the caterer cooked for lunch – it was delicious!! He also brought 3 bags of bamboo plants which he planted near the small lake to help enhance the landscape of CSN..insyallah it will make CSN more scenic. Thank you Tuan Haji!!!

Among all the programmes we’ve done before, we must say that these marine technology students love singing  the most – thankfully they had good voices too!  Some would have been eligible to take part in Akademi Fantasia!! There was always someone at the front , singing a song for us!
calon akademi fantasia tahun 2012.... faces at akademi fantasia 2012
Our usual kayak lead trainer Saiful was bitten by an insect and his face was swollen, and the training was taken over by Zai who did a fantastic job as trainer and leader of the expedition. The capsize practice at the CSN lake was conducted easily, because most of the participants were confident in the water, so it was a fast and easy exercise for them...bravo students!!

For the group presentation slot, we had other groups choosing the singer and the songs for their opposing groups..of course they chose the most difficult song and the person they thought could not possibly sing to perform…and that was hilarious!! Everyone was sporting enough and tried their best and it was good fun watching them sing!!

Encik Zuki and Encik Tarmizi were so lucky and managed to catch 8 tongsan fish from our lake!! Wow!! And the fish were big! They were generous enough to donate the fish to us , which we promptly had for lunch the next day. The facilitators prepared baked fish and Cikgu Ashriah cooked gulai tempoyak – the lunch was delicious beyond words!!!

students UITM Arau.....
We were so glad to hear that to them, CSN was comfortable compared to other camping sites where they had to sleep in jungles…really??  They were used to being shouted at and punished  by their facilitators at their previous camps – oh no! That is so NOT our way at CSN – we want to ensure that our participants  go home  with only good memories!!

To all the participants - We hope the program’s CPR, Rope Rescue, and other lectures will be helpful in your future careers in the Maritime Industry, and most of all, we hope that you’ll remember what we have taught you…!! See you soon!!

Friday 20 May 2011



Seronoknya dapat tahu ada group dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa tajaan Al Bukhary Foundation nak ke CSN untuk program keselamatan!

We all excited sangat pasal ini first time dapat International students – tapi takut jugak diorang tak faham bahasa Melayu, so we all panggil 3 translators, iaitu Fadil, Diyana dan Iskandar . Kami dapat tahu mereka dari  Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Albania , Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Saudi, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Filipina, Kampuchea, Vietnam dan lain2 negara Muslim , dan ini adalah kali pertama CSN dapat participants dari luar negera … YESS..!!! Selain dari international students kami ada juga dua beradik dari Malaysia yang join sekali dalam program ni…
kumpulan tarzan dengan bendera 
yes..the Tarzan group with their flag
Rupanya diorang pun excited macam kami juga and memang penuh semangat nak ambil bahagian dalam akitiviti yang kami telah aturkan untuk diorang.

students sedang belajar cara mengguna stretcher......
students learning how to use the stretcher
Pada kami, yang menyayat  hati ialah melihat mereka bersembahyang jemaah bersama2…Students lelaki  bermain bola, playful, pakai seluar paras lutut dll, tapi tak miss solat lansung!! Seronoknya tengok kebesaran Islam dan betapa ramainya umat Islam di seluruh dunia…  Yang selalu laungkan azan ialah Tariq dari Bangladesh dan suaranya sungguh merdu dan menyahat hati….terutama sekali masa azan maghrib, dengan langit diwarnai  dengan kaler2 pink dan maroon dan refleksi atas tasik CSN….sayunya hati! Kecik nya kami di banding dengan         keagungan ciptaan  Allah SWT…

Seperti program lain, highlight program ialah berkayak di Sungai Perak..students ni pun ramai juga yang first time ke Perak..and they all dapat tengok kampung2 kecil di Perak dari angle sungai pulak…kami pun paling suka aktiviti berkayak kerana kecantikan dan ketenangan permandangannya. Bukan hari2 kita dapat melihat kerbau, atau bermain di atas pulau di tengah2 sungai atau mendayung di bawah 3 jambatan!!

aktiviti di pulau di tengah sungai
games on the little island in the river...

peserta wanita sedia untuk berkayak
the girls getting ready to start the four hour journey...

menyiapkan sumpit .... 
getting their arrows ready

Memang semua students kena sun burn – kalau dah berkayak selama 4 jam, dengan matahari terik, memang itulah akibatnya – kesian students ni, tapi pastinya mereka enjoy sangat2!

Pada malam terakhir, students dari Saudi Arabia dan Vietnam  telah memasak makanan traditional dari negeri masing2 di dapur kecil CSN…Chicken Kabsa dari Saudi Arabia dan popia dari Vietnam. Sedap sangat!! Tapi sayangnya – tak cukup untuk nak tambah 3 and 4 kali….

mmmmm...popia dari vietnam
yummy popia from Vietnam......!!!

kabsah ayam yang sedap giler dari Saudi Arabia
delicious chicken kabsah from Saudi Arabia.....

Pada akhir program, konklusi kami ialah, students dari mana2 negeri di dunia semuanya sama – sentiasa ceria dan bersemangat !

malam terakhir - karaoke dan makanan antarabangsa - best sangat
on the final night - karaoke and international food.....the best!!!
Pada students2 kami dari Al Bukhary Foundation, kami berharap kita dapat bertemu lagi ..samaada di KL atau di CSN…..Jumpa lagi!!


We were so excited to receive our first batch of International students this time from the International Islamic University who are sponsored by the  Al Bukhary Foundation..

Fearing that some of our facilitators would not be able to communicate in English, we called in Diyana, Fadil and Iskandar to be our translators.  We were told that they would be from many countries such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Albania , Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Saudi, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Filipina, Kampuchea, Vietnam and Uzbekistan to name a few and this was something new for us…YESS!!! We also had 2 siblings from Malaysia who joined us too…
As it turned out the students were so enthusiastic and almost as excited as we were!

sebelum aktiviti capsize
before the capsize exercise...

What really touched me the most was seeing how religious these students were – the boys would be in knee length trousers  all day, playing football and fooling around, but come prayer time, they would not miss the jemaah prayers – it was so nice to see Muslims of different countries praying together…what a beautiful sight Masyallah! The azan was  called by Tariq from Bangladesh and his voice was so beautiful and soulful, especially  before the maghrib prayers when it was beginning to get dark and with the beautiful pink and maroon colours of the sky above the CSN lake….aaahhh – how small we are compared to the beauty of  Allah SWT’s creation..
group cheer...yeehaaa
yess....great group cheer!!!
waktu pagi - posing bawah sign CSN
in the morning - the boys posing under the CSN sign board

kenangan yang manis - bawah jambatan dalm perjalanan ke Kuala Kangsar 
cannot forget this memory........under the bridge on the way to Kuala Kangsar
selepas 4 jam berkayak - letih tapi happy sangat!!
at the end of the 4 hour expedition..tired but happy!!!!!!

As usual the highlight of the programme was when we went  on the kayak trip down Sungai Perak and it was for many of them the first time being in Perak. They could see first hand how Malaysian villages looked like from the river. We have always loved the kayak portion of the program, for the serenity and its beautiful scenery. Its not every day that we get to see buffaloes up close, play games on an island in the middle of the river nor travel under 3 bridges..!!
Most were sun burnt because the trip took a good 4 hours in the hot sun, poor  kids – some were so red! But all in all, we think they had a good time…!

letih di perhentian kedua - tolong urut mengurut..
so tired at the second stop...helping to massage each other ...

The  students of Saudi Arabia and Vietnam promised to cook their traditional food for us on the final night and WOW!! They did not disappoint us. They cooked the most delicious food in our little camp kitchen. From Saudi Arabia was Chicken Kabsah and from Vietnam  was spring rolls!! They were both delicious and the only complaint was that there wasn’t enough for third and fourth helpings!!

At the end of the programme we realized that students from anywhere in the world are all the same – just as playful and fun, no matter what country they are from!!

To the students of the Al Bukhary Foundation, we  hope to see you all again soon, whether in KL or CSN…See you soon!!!


  • Peserta tidak dibenarkan masuk ke dalam tasik tanpa kebenaran fasilitator

  • Peserta lelaki tidak dibenarkan melintasi kawasan khemah peserta wanita

  • Jangan buang apa2 ke dalam tasik!!

  • Jangan panjat atau duduk di atas pagar dewan

  • Peserta tidak dibenarkan memasuki kawasan ladang kelapa sawit tanpa kebenaran fasilitator

  • JANGAN buang sisa makanan merata-rata!!

  • Sentiasa jaga kebersihan Camp Salak North, terutama sesiapa yang merokok!!!

  • Sebelum pulang, pastikan tiada barang tertinggal....



Dulu-dulu CSN basic sangat .... tapi Alhamdulilah telah di upgrade sedikit demi sedikit...

macam ni lah CSN semasa ia belum dibina...tanah kosong aje....bangunan pertama yang dibina di CSN iaitu tandas, di sebelah kiri....sedihnye....
this was what CSN looked like in the beginning - just an empty plot of land... the first building to be built was the toilet on the left...

pada mulanya air pun takde...terpaksa depend on lori Jabatan Bekalan Air..!! 
there was no water supply and we had to depend on water to be delivered by Jabatan Bekalan Air !

dapur CSN dulu...aduhai...sedihnya! 
the CSN kitchen then - how sad...!

lantai dewan yang masih belum disimen....
the uncemented floor of the hall ... 

dewan selepas disimen, tapi masih basic....bumbung belah kanan dan sign board Camp Salak North takde lagi masa tu...
the hall after being cemented, but still very basic...the roof on the right and the CSN signboards were still not built then

Fesi Othman sedang membina dinding big screen - lepas ni boleh karaoke dengan puas...
Faci Othman constructing the wall for the big screen...everyone can karaoke after this...

Fesi Zai sedang memasang wooden fencing.....mintak2 janganlah ada mana2 peserta yang duduk atas  pagar ni...takut pecah lah pulak....
Faci Zai installing the wooden fencing..lets hope nobody sits on the railing and breaks it...

dewan yang delengkapi big screen...siapa nak karaoke sila bagi nama ok....?
the hall , complete with a big screen...please give your name if you want to karaoke ok?

pagar kayu memagari dewan....
wooden fencing  around the hall ....

The camp was so basic before .... Alhamdulilah it has been upgraded bit by bit to what it is today ....


Pemandangan Tasik Camp Salak North                          pada waktu2 berlainan.....
Antara tarikan CSN ialah tasiknya yang begitu damai...ia menjadi tumpuan penduduk tempatan yang suka memancing. Pemandangan tasik ini berubah mengikut waktu, dari berkabus diwaktu pagi, kepada langit biru  yang cerah sehingga warna keemasan di waktu senja.

The scenery of the Camp Salak North Lake at different hours of the day....
Among the most attractive points of CSN is its peaceful lake which is popular with fishing enthusiasts. The view of this lake changes with the hours of the day, from misty mornings, to bright blue skies in the afternoons, turning gold at dusk.

cantiknya tasik CSN pada waktu pagi...macam painting pulak....
early in the morning -it looks like a painting...

pukul 10 pagi.....damai sangat..
at 10.00 in the morning ..its so peaceful

itik CSN....begitu aman di sini
..the CSN duck - its so serene here

tengah hari - kayak dah diatur untuk aktiviti.......
at noon - the kayaks ready for the next activity...
tasik CSN diwaktu petang - banjaran kledang di belakang..
the CSN lake in the evening - with a view of the Kledang range behind it

waktu petang - tasik CSN dari angle yang lain..
in the evening - the CSN lake from a different angle

sebelum maghrib - ini bukan iklan Honda CRV ye.....!!
before sunset - and this is not a Honda CRV advertisement!!

hampir magrib - cantiknya pemandangan.....!!
almost dusk - what a beautiful sight...!


Macam mana nak lanskap sekeping tanah yang terletak di tengah2 ladang kelapa sawit?  Itulah antara cabaran besar kepada kami. Kan kami takde tukang kebun tetap disini, jadi pokok2 yang ditanam mestilah jenis pokok yang tak manja  dan tak perlu kasih saying dan penyiraman air.
Pokok yang mula2 ditanam ialah dari jenis foxtail palm….adalah dalam 6 batang pokok spesis ini ditanam dikeliling kolam kecil. Lepas tu, beberapa batang pokok ceri ditanam berselang seli dengan foxtail palmtapi ada pulak kambing yang berkeliaran disini yang mengulam daun pokok ceri tu… kira pokok yang masih ada tu lah yang survive serangan kambing Salak North..
Sekarang kami dalam proses menanam dan melanskap kawasan sekitar Camp...tunggu foto-foto baru ok?

pokok foxtail palm yang ditanam....tapi macam nak mati aje...
the foxtail palms which we first planted - hmm..can they survive i wonder?

lautan pokok kelapa sawit di CSN........
a sea of palm trees in CSN
How do you beautify and landscape an empty piece of land in the middle of an oil palm estate…? Now that was a big challenge to us. It had to be hardy plants which can withstand the heat  and doesn’t need to be watered regularly,  since we don’t have a permanent gardener. We started by planting several foxtail palms around the little pond. Then we planted several cherry trees between the foxtail palms – but some trees fell victim to the goats grazing around the camp , so not all of the cherry trees survived…

We are now in the process of planting new trees..look out for new photos ok?

kambing2 ni ke yang makan daun pokok ceri CSN..???
were you two the ones that ate the leaves of the cherry tree..??


Camp Salak North mendapat namanya dari Stesen keretapi di pintu masuk kem...

Camp Salak North got its name from the train station at the entrance of the camp..

inilah gambar stesen keretapi Salak North yang sungguh nostalgik - agaknya akan dirobohkan  kot?...sayangnye...
Camp Salak North got its name from the railway station at the entrance of the camp - it will probably be demolished to make way for a new and modern sad....

Pada mulanya hanya sekeping tanah kosong di tengah-tengah ladang kelapa sawit berhadapan dengan sebuah tasik  yang cantik. Semasa program pertama kami dulu, kemudahan di Camp Salak North hanya yang basic saja – peserta tidur di dalam khemah, di bawah langit terbuka, tapi kemudahan yang paling mustahak iaitu tandas, merupakan fasiliti pertama yang telah dibina ...

In the beginning, Camp Salak North was just an empty piece of land in the middle of an oil palm estate...our first participants slept in tents under the open sky....the toilets were the first facility we built...

 sunyi nye Camp Salak North dulu...
it was so quiet here then

baru stage meratakan tanah nak buat dewan the levelling stage

membina pejabat di sebelah kolam kecil
building the office next to the little pond

kumpulan students pertama dari UKM - tidur di dalam khemah di bawah open sky aje... kesian diorang.. walau bagaimanapun thank you kerana sokongan anda..
the first group of students who slept in tents under the open sky - thanks for your support!

membina dewan ...
still at the construction stage