Friday 20 May 2011


Camp Salak North mendapat namanya dari Stesen keretapi di pintu masuk kem...

Camp Salak North got its name from the train station at the entrance of the camp..

inilah gambar stesen keretapi Salak North yang sungguh nostalgik - agaknya akan dirobohkan  kot?...sayangnye...
Camp Salak North got its name from the railway station at the entrance of the camp - it will probably be demolished to make way for a new and modern sad....

Pada mulanya hanya sekeping tanah kosong di tengah-tengah ladang kelapa sawit berhadapan dengan sebuah tasik  yang cantik. Semasa program pertama kami dulu, kemudahan di Camp Salak North hanya yang basic saja – peserta tidur di dalam khemah, di bawah langit terbuka, tapi kemudahan yang paling mustahak iaitu tandas, merupakan fasiliti pertama yang telah dibina ...

In the beginning, Camp Salak North was just an empty piece of land in the middle of an oil palm estate...our first participants slept in tents under the open sky....the toilets were the first facility we built...

 sunyi nye Camp Salak North dulu...
it was so quiet here then

baru stage meratakan tanah nak buat dewan the levelling stage

membina pejabat di sebelah kolam kecil
building the office next to the little pond

kumpulan students pertama dari UKM - tidur di dalam khemah di bawah open sky aje... kesian diorang.. walau bagaimanapun thank you kerana sokongan anda..
the first group of students who slept in tents under the open sky - thanks for your support!

membina dewan ...
still at the construction stage

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