Friday 20 May 2011



Dulu-dulu CSN basic sangat .... tapi Alhamdulilah telah di upgrade sedikit demi sedikit...

macam ni lah CSN semasa ia belum dibina...tanah kosong aje....bangunan pertama yang dibina di CSN iaitu tandas, di sebelah kiri....sedihnye....
this was what CSN looked like in the beginning - just an empty plot of land... the first building to be built was the toilet on the left...

pada mulanya air pun takde...terpaksa depend on lori Jabatan Bekalan Air..!! 
there was no water supply and we had to depend on water to be delivered by Jabatan Bekalan Air !

dapur CSN dulu...aduhai...sedihnya! 
the CSN kitchen then - how sad...!

lantai dewan yang masih belum disimen....
the uncemented floor of the hall ... 

dewan selepas disimen, tapi masih basic....bumbung belah kanan dan sign board Camp Salak North takde lagi masa tu...
the hall after being cemented, but still very basic...the roof on the right and the CSN signboards were still not built then

Fesi Othman sedang membina dinding big screen - lepas ni boleh karaoke dengan puas...
Faci Othman constructing the wall for the big screen...everyone can karaoke after this...

Fesi Zai sedang memasang wooden fencing.....mintak2 janganlah ada mana2 peserta yang duduk atas  pagar ni...takut pecah lah pulak....
Faci Zai installing the wooden fencing..lets hope nobody sits on the railing and breaks it...

dewan yang delengkapi big screen...siapa nak karaoke sila bagi nama ok....?
the hall , complete with a big screen...please give your name if you want to karaoke ok?

pagar kayu memagari dewan....
wooden fencing  around the hall ....

The camp was so basic before .... Alhamdulilah it has been upgraded bit by bit to what it is today ....

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