Saturday 21 May 2011


Yayyy!! Students dari UITM Arau telah mengambil bahagian dalam program Keselamatan Sukan dan Rekreasi pada 11 Mei 2011. Diorang ni students yang sedang buat degree dalam Marine Technology , jadi aktiviti air ni ‘no hal’ pada diorang…macam itik dengan air aje. Ada beberapa orang students ni memang dah kenal fasi kami masa program Sea Survival dan Renang di Gunung Keriang dulu…. 

relax di tepi tasik......tak sejuk ke kome..?
relaxing by the lake..aren't you boys feeling cold?

taklimat sebelum aktiviti capsize ...
before the capsize activity.
Pensyarah Kanan, Tuan Haji Idrus telah membawa satu beg rebung untuk kami..! Apa lagi!! Caterer  Pakcik Akmar telah memasak Rebung masak Lomak cili padi….adoii terangkat!! Memang rata2 semua orang tambah nasi dua tiga kali!! Tuan Haji Idrus juga membawa 3 beg anak pokok buluh madu, dan telah ditanam berdekatan tasik kecil di chalet. Terima kasih Tuan Haji..semoga pokok2 ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada peserta2 di CSN

Dalam beratus –ratus students IPTA/IPTS yang kami pernah mengajar sebelum ni, memang diorang ni lah yang paling suka menyanyi…nasib baik suara pun sedap..ada yang boleh masuk AF gitu!! Ada aje yang kat depan , sedang berkarok!!
kami tetap boleh berkarok walaupun sejuk dan  basah......!!!
we can sing no matter how cold or wet we are!!
Ketua Fasi kayak kami, Saiful, telah digigit serangga sehingga mukanya bengkak, jadi Zai telah mengambil alih sebagai lead trainer dan ketua ekspidisi  dengan jayanya! Students ni memang dah biasa dengan air, jadi aktiviti capsize dalam tasik CSN dijalankan dengan cepat  dan senang ….bravo students!!
selepas aktiviti capsize..waiting for friends yang masih dalam tasik.....
after the capsize activity - waiting for friends who are still in the lake
Untuk slot persembahan, students disuruh memilih penyanyi dan lagu untuk dipersembahkan dari kumpulan lain…mestilah diorang pilih lagu yang paling susah untuk dinyanyikan oleh student yang mereka rasa tak pandai menyanyi…kelalakar betul tengok persembahan diorang ni!! Tapi best – semua orang sporting dan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memberi persembahan terbaik!!
kelas emergency procedure pada waktu malam.....actually semua dah mengantok tu....
the class at night..yaawwnn...
Yang best kali ni, Cikgu Zuki dan Encik Tarmizi telah berjaya menangkap 8 ekor ikan tongsan semasa memancing di tasik CSN!! Wow!! Besar2 pulak tu ikannya! Diorang dengan bermurah hati telah menderma ikan itu untuk lunch hari terakhir …fasi telah menyediakan ikan bakar dan Cikgu Ashriah telah memasak gulai tempoyak…memang sedap sangat!!

Seronok dengar diorang cakap tidor kat CSN ni selesa berbanding dengan tidor di camp2 lain di mana mereka  terpaksa tidor dalam hutan….ye ke?? Kat camp lain, diorang selalu di denda dan di tengking . Oh tidak!!! Bukan macam tu kat CSN  - kami nak participants sentiasa happy dan membawa pulang kenangan manis  aje !!

Kepada students, kami harap kelas CPR, Rope Rescue dan lain lain berguna untuk career you all di masa depan di Industri Maritim …dan paling mustahak, jangan lupa apa yang you all telah belajar di sini!! Jumpa lagi..!!!


 Yay!! Students from UITM Arau came to CSN to participate in a Sports and Recreation Safety program.   These students were exposed to adventurous activities, as all of them are doing their degree in Marine technology and so they are like fish to water…! Some of these students had undergone a Sea Survival and Swimming program at Gunung Keriang , and they already knew some of the staff of ASAS.

Senior lecturer, Tuan Haji Idrus was kind enough to bring a bag of bamboo shoots which the caterer cooked for lunch – it was delicious!! He also brought 3 bags of bamboo plants which he planted near the small lake to help enhance the landscape of CSN..insyallah it will make CSN more scenic. Thank you Tuan Haji!!!

Among all the programmes we’ve done before, we must say that these marine technology students love singing  the most – thankfully they had good voices too!  Some would have been eligible to take part in Akademi Fantasia!! There was always someone at the front , singing a song for us!
calon akademi fantasia tahun 2012.... faces at akademi fantasia 2012
Our usual kayak lead trainer Saiful was bitten by an insect and his face was swollen, and the training was taken over by Zai who did a fantastic job as trainer and leader of the expedition. The capsize practice at the CSN lake was conducted easily, because most of the participants were confident in the water, so it was a fast and easy exercise for them...bravo students!!

For the group presentation slot, we had other groups choosing the singer and the songs for their opposing groups..of course they chose the most difficult song and the person they thought could not possibly sing to perform…and that was hilarious!! Everyone was sporting enough and tried their best and it was good fun watching them sing!!

Encik Zuki and Encik Tarmizi were so lucky and managed to catch 8 tongsan fish from our lake!! Wow!! And the fish were big! They were generous enough to donate the fish to us , which we promptly had for lunch the next day. The facilitators prepared baked fish and Cikgu Ashriah cooked gulai tempoyak – the lunch was delicious beyond words!!!

students UITM Arau.....
We were so glad to hear that to them, CSN was comfortable compared to other camping sites where they had to sleep in jungles…really??  They were used to being shouted at and punished  by their facilitators at their previous camps – oh no! That is so NOT our way at CSN – we want to ensure that our participants  go home  with only good memories!!

To all the participants - We hope the program’s CPR, Rope Rescue, and other lectures will be helpful in your future careers in the Maritime Industry, and most of all, we hope that you’ll remember what we have taught you…!! See you soon!!


  1. bagus2..smg ia dpt memanfaatkan segala ilmu2 marine...i like..!!!

  2. Insyallah....terima kasih Qinik Sanchi...:)

  3. hehehe.. CSN nie memang best.. enjoy & saya belajar banyak perkara baru... Miss u CSN... =)

  4. thanks for your kind words..kitorang pun miss you all!!
