Friday 20 May 2011


Pemandangan Tasik Camp Salak North                          pada waktu2 berlainan.....
Antara tarikan CSN ialah tasiknya yang begitu damai...ia menjadi tumpuan penduduk tempatan yang suka memancing. Pemandangan tasik ini berubah mengikut waktu, dari berkabus diwaktu pagi, kepada langit biru  yang cerah sehingga warna keemasan di waktu senja.

The scenery of the Camp Salak North Lake at different hours of the day....
Among the most attractive points of CSN is its peaceful lake which is popular with fishing enthusiasts. The view of this lake changes with the hours of the day, from misty mornings, to bright blue skies in the afternoons, turning gold at dusk.

cantiknya tasik CSN pada waktu pagi...macam painting pulak....
early in the morning -it looks like a painting...

pukul 10 pagi.....damai sangat..
at 10.00 in the morning ..its so peaceful

itik CSN....begitu aman di sini
..the CSN duck - its so serene here

tengah hari - kayak dah diatur untuk aktiviti.......
at noon - the kayaks ready for the next activity...
tasik CSN diwaktu petang - banjaran kledang di belakang..
the CSN lake in the evening - with a view of the Kledang range behind it

waktu petang - tasik CSN dari angle yang lain..
in the evening - the CSN lake from a different angle

sebelum maghrib - ini bukan iklan Honda CRV ye.....!!
before sunset - and this is not a Honda CRV advertisement!!

hampir magrib - cantiknya pemandangan.....!!
almost dusk - what a beautiful sight...!