Friday 20 May 2011


Macam mana nak lanskap sekeping tanah yang terletak di tengah2 ladang kelapa sawit?  Itulah antara cabaran besar kepada kami. Kan kami takde tukang kebun tetap disini, jadi pokok2 yang ditanam mestilah jenis pokok yang tak manja  dan tak perlu kasih saying dan penyiraman air.
Pokok yang mula2 ditanam ialah dari jenis foxtail palm….adalah dalam 6 batang pokok spesis ini ditanam dikeliling kolam kecil. Lepas tu, beberapa batang pokok ceri ditanam berselang seli dengan foxtail palmtapi ada pulak kambing yang berkeliaran disini yang mengulam daun pokok ceri tu… kira pokok yang masih ada tu lah yang survive serangan kambing Salak North..
Sekarang kami dalam proses menanam dan melanskap kawasan sekitar Camp...tunggu foto-foto baru ok?

pokok foxtail palm yang ditanam....tapi macam nak mati aje...
the foxtail palms which we first planted - hmm..can they survive i wonder?

lautan pokok kelapa sawit di CSN........
a sea of palm trees in CSN
How do you beautify and landscape an empty piece of land in the middle of an oil palm estate…? Now that was a big challenge to us. It had to be hardy plants which can withstand the heat  and doesn’t need to be watered regularly,  since we don’t have a permanent gardener. We started by planting several foxtail palms around the little pond. Then we planted several cherry trees between the foxtail palms – but some trees fell victim to the goats grazing around the camp , so not all of the cherry trees survived…

We are now in the process of planting new trees..look out for new photos ok?

kambing2 ni ke yang makan daun pokok ceri CSN..???
were you two the ones that ate the leaves of the cherry tree..??

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