Friday 20 May 2011



Seronoknya dapat tahu ada group dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa tajaan Al Bukhary Foundation nak ke CSN untuk program keselamatan!

We all excited sangat pasal ini first time dapat International students – tapi takut jugak diorang tak faham bahasa Melayu, so we all panggil 3 translators, iaitu Fadil, Diyana dan Iskandar . Kami dapat tahu mereka dari  Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Albania , Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Saudi, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Filipina, Kampuchea, Vietnam dan lain2 negara Muslim , dan ini adalah kali pertama CSN dapat participants dari luar negera … YESS..!!! Selain dari international students kami ada juga dua beradik dari Malaysia yang join sekali dalam program ni…
kumpulan tarzan dengan bendera 
yes..the Tarzan group with their flag
Rupanya diorang pun excited macam kami juga and memang penuh semangat nak ambil bahagian dalam akitiviti yang kami telah aturkan untuk diorang.

students sedang belajar cara mengguna stretcher......
students learning how to use the stretcher
Pada kami, yang menyayat  hati ialah melihat mereka bersembahyang jemaah bersama2…Students lelaki  bermain bola, playful, pakai seluar paras lutut dll, tapi tak miss solat lansung!! Seronoknya tengok kebesaran Islam dan betapa ramainya umat Islam di seluruh dunia…  Yang selalu laungkan azan ialah Tariq dari Bangladesh dan suaranya sungguh merdu dan menyahat hati….terutama sekali masa azan maghrib, dengan langit diwarnai  dengan kaler2 pink dan maroon dan refleksi atas tasik CSN….sayunya hati! Kecik nya kami di banding dengan         keagungan ciptaan  Allah SWT…

Seperti program lain, highlight program ialah berkayak di Sungai Perak..students ni pun ramai juga yang first time ke Perak..and they all dapat tengok kampung2 kecil di Perak dari angle sungai pulak…kami pun paling suka aktiviti berkayak kerana kecantikan dan ketenangan permandangannya. Bukan hari2 kita dapat melihat kerbau, atau bermain di atas pulau di tengah2 sungai atau mendayung di bawah 3 jambatan!!

aktiviti di pulau di tengah sungai
games on the little island in the river...

peserta wanita sedia untuk berkayak
the girls getting ready to start the four hour journey...

menyiapkan sumpit .... 
getting their arrows ready

Memang semua students kena sun burn – kalau dah berkayak selama 4 jam, dengan matahari terik, memang itulah akibatnya – kesian students ni, tapi pastinya mereka enjoy sangat2!

Pada malam terakhir, students dari Saudi Arabia dan Vietnam  telah memasak makanan traditional dari negeri masing2 di dapur kecil CSN…Chicken Kabsa dari Saudi Arabia dan popia dari Vietnam. Sedap sangat!! Tapi sayangnya – tak cukup untuk nak tambah 3 and 4 kali….

mmmmm...popia dari vietnam
yummy popia from Vietnam......!!!

kabsah ayam yang sedap giler dari Saudi Arabia
delicious chicken kabsah from Saudi Arabia.....

Pada akhir program, konklusi kami ialah, students dari mana2 negeri di dunia semuanya sama – sentiasa ceria dan bersemangat !

malam terakhir - karaoke dan makanan antarabangsa - best sangat
on the final night - karaoke and international food.....the best!!!
Pada students2 kami dari Al Bukhary Foundation, kami berharap kita dapat bertemu lagi ..samaada di KL atau di CSN…..Jumpa lagi!!


We were so excited to receive our first batch of International students this time from the International Islamic University who are sponsored by the  Al Bukhary Foundation..

Fearing that some of our facilitators would not be able to communicate in English, we called in Diyana, Fadil and Iskandar to be our translators.  We were told that they would be from many countries such as Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Albania , Uzbekistan, Bosnia, Saudi, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Filipina, Kampuchea, Vietnam and Uzbekistan to name a few and this was something new for us…YESS!!! We also had 2 siblings from Malaysia who joined us too…
As it turned out the students were so enthusiastic and almost as excited as we were!

sebelum aktiviti capsize
before the capsize exercise...

What really touched me the most was seeing how religious these students were – the boys would be in knee length trousers  all day, playing football and fooling around, but come prayer time, they would not miss the jemaah prayers – it was so nice to see Muslims of different countries praying together…what a beautiful sight Masyallah! The azan was  called by Tariq from Bangladesh and his voice was so beautiful and soulful, especially  before the maghrib prayers when it was beginning to get dark and with the beautiful pink and maroon colours of the sky above the CSN lake….aaahhh – how small we are compared to the beauty of  Allah SWT’s creation..
group cheer...yeehaaa
yess....great group cheer!!!
waktu pagi - posing bawah sign CSN
in the morning - the boys posing under the CSN sign board

kenangan yang manis - bawah jambatan dalm perjalanan ke Kuala Kangsar 
cannot forget this memory........under the bridge on the way to Kuala Kangsar
selepas 4 jam berkayak - letih tapi happy sangat!!
at the end of the 4 hour expedition..tired but happy!!!!!!

As usual the highlight of the programme was when we went  on the kayak trip down Sungai Perak and it was for many of them the first time being in Perak. They could see first hand how Malaysian villages looked like from the river. We have always loved the kayak portion of the program, for the serenity and its beautiful scenery. Its not every day that we get to see buffaloes up close, play games on an island in the middle of the river nor travel under 3 bridges..!!
Most were sun burnt because the trip took a good 4 hours in the hot sun, poor  kids – some were so red! But all in all, we think they had a good time…!

letih di perhentian kedua - tolong urut mengurut..
so tired at the second stop...helping to massage each other ...

The  students of Saudi Arabia and Vietnam promised to cook their traditional food for us on the final night and WOW!! They did not disappoint us. They cooked the most delicious food in our little camp kitchen. From Saudi Arabia was Chicken Kabsah and from Vietnam  was spring rolls!! They were both delicious and the only complaint was that there wasn’t enough for third and fourth helpings!!

At the end of the programme we realized that students from anywhere in the world are all the same – just as playful and fun, no matter what country they are from!!

To the students of the Al Bukhary Foundation, we  hope to see you all again soon, whether in KL or CSN…See you soon!!!

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